NFTs are gaining huge popularity as a way to showcase and sell digital artwork. It includes digital assets representing artworks, music pieces, exclusive videos, and much more. According to market data tracker DappRadar, the sales of NFTs surged $25 billion in 2021 as the crypto asset exploded in popularity, fueled by the rising interest of celebrities and art lovers.
India with its huge IT industry is among the early adopters of NFT. In India, over the past few months, many business persons, celebrities, and art lovers turned their heads towards this digital token to launch their own NFT collections. An Indian artist “Pradiptaa Chakraborty” is one of them. He launched his NFT Nattya Rajan from the collection “Love is in the air” after joining hands with GrayCell Technologies.
GrayCell Technologies is recognized as one of the pioneers in adoption of emerging technologies in the software industry that offers the best in class digital solutions and impressive IT services that stand out globally.
Client Background
Pradiptaa Chakraborty is an artist from Santiniketan, West Bengal (India), whose paintings have been widely exhibited nationally, as well as in Dubai, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, North Korea, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Japan. He is well known for his unique style and subject line of his artworks. He has the touch of Indian Mythology and Fairy Tale stories that we have grown up listening to.
Client Needs
Pradiptaa Chakraborty wanted to create an exact NFT like his art. Chakraborty’s style is influenced by Indian miniature compositions, as well as Western impressionism.The NFT required the same colors, emotions, and feelings. The idea behind crafting the NFT was to invite art lovers to invest in his digital assets.
- NFT should have emotion like an actual art
- Zero compromises with colors
- Moving of the head should look and feel genuine
- The facial expressions should have feelings
- The transition should be not too much, not too low, just attractive and eye-catching
NFT Challenge
It is quite a challenge to capture and match the flow and reason displayed by Pradiptaa’s art style. It requires equal measures of discipline, gesture, and expression in order to execute careful layering of color, contour, and detail. Thanks to our team who did an Excellent justice with his Nattya Rajan art.
Creating such NFT requires a good knowledge of art and in-depth knowledge of the colors combination with a very fine knowledge of designing. If you look closely you will notice how much fine work is required to accomplish this task.

(This is a preview of the artwork. It is a compressed, cropped and, if applicable, bitrate reduced version of the real artwork)
The artist received excellent responses when showcasing the NFT to their friends or family. The client artist received positive and interesting offers on listing on the NFT marketplace.
Working with Pradiptaa, has allowed us to experiment with the technical aspects of drawing on paper as well as on digital platforms. The NFT is now listed on a couple of NFT marketplaces like Opensea and Prismnfts. You can explore the NFT and also place a bid through the below link:
Non-fungible tokens have been taking over the internet. You can also take advantage of this trend by launching your own NFT’s collection with Graycell Technologies. We provide the best NFT development service in the crypto space and propel your business to greater heights.